At our research lab, we specialize in Hydro-climatology and Geospatial data science. Our primary focus is on addressing the underlying physical mechanisms driving various hydro-climatic processes. Our mission is to uncover the fundamental physical mechanisms driving hydro-climatic processes and to provide deeper insigths into their spatiotemporal patterns and variability in the context of a changing climate. Our vision is to address critical water-related issues in changing climate by leveraging the state-of-the-art stochastic, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) techniques. To achieve this, we harness the advantages of big datasets such as Remote Sensing products, Hydrologic and Climatic Model simulations, Reanalysis data, and In-situ observations.

We are also committed to developing innovative, data-driven approaches by integrating physical and conceptual models and formulating physics-informed model frameworks. Our overarching goal is to deliver advanced scientific insights and sustainable solutions that contribute to the resilience and effective management of water resources worldwide. This holistic approach allows us to not only predict future scenarios with greater accuracy but also to develop sustainable solutions to mitigate and adapt to water-related challenges.

We are a deeply collaborative and interdisciplinary research group that actively seeks partnerships with industry and academic institutions globally. By delivering actionable scientific insights and solutions, we seek to empower policymakers, stakeholders, and communities worldwide to make informed decisions and foster sustainable practices for the benefit of our water resources and society as a whole.

If you share a common research interest and wish to explore further or bring innovative ideas to related fields, we encourage you to contact us via email. Please see Join Us for more infomation.



Congragulations Debdut!

Debdut Sengupta has been selected as the Associate Individual Member of INAE (Indian National Academy of Engineering)

Weclome Karthikey

Welcoming Karthikey Mehar (Joint IITM-Deakin University PhD Program) to join the HGC group (July-2024).

Congragulations Debdut!

Debdut Sengupta recieved the Best Paper award (for his master's research) at the Young Leaders Conclave on Environment and Disaster, organized by the National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.